Dear Women in Energy Network,
As 2022 our 3rd year of existence draws to a close, on behalf of myself, members of the Board of Directors, and Trustees of WIEN, I would like to thank you, our Founding Members, corporate and individual members, staff, volunteers, and consultants for your support and continued engagement.
2022 has gone by so so quickly and I am still trying to decide if it went past so fast because It was packed with action or because I was in a trance of inaction. Honestly, I can’t decide but all I know is that I have a lot to be thankful for, and on top of that list are you all my sisters, and the women in Energy Network and the role it is playing in our industry and in our country.
Our members are thriving and triumphing in all sectors of our industry and government agencies. I recall watching one of our members speaking on the platform of one of the political parties and I was filled with pride.
You all have put your faith in our association and our leadership who continue to inspire us to work passionately towards elevating and unifying the women who work in the energy industry during what has been quite challenging times. Our members are literally powering the industry in all spheres.
This means that our role has proved to be critical to providing the energy necessary to meet growing national and global demand as we have members across the entire value chain of Upstream & Downstream Oil & Gas, midstream, Power, and Renewable Energy sectors. Our members are investing in their individual businesses or as corporates investing in technological innovations, supplier diversity initiatives, and workforce development.
During the year 2022 we lent our voice to advocacy around the Just Transition, a bottom-up approach to the development and tracking of ESG standards, alternative thinking around the funding constraints in the industry, and a call for partnering with symbiotic investors such as Africa-focused DFI’s and traders that benefit from the industry thriving. We also joined hands with stakeholders to proffer solutions to pipeline vandalism and a call for gas commercialization under the decade of Gas platform.
Some of the additional key bights of the year are as follows ;
- Sponsorship from Power Africa /USAID to develop our sustainability plan and 4 goals.
- We deepened our Engagements with corporates by going on Facility tours and power meetings. We met with Seplat, Gove Energy, prime Atlantic, NLNG, NGA, Sahara, Eko Disco, American business council, and last but not least Ikeja Electric
It is paramount that we celebrate the gains of our advocacy around women’s representation at senior levels because it’s working. It is no longer a token woman at the top anymore. We are filling important slots and making a difference.
It is critical that WIEN pushes to be a thought leader and conscience of the industry and maintains a unified voice for environmental and safety standards. This role comes naturally to us and we should be able to find our voice in this regard.
The WIEN Academy’s partnership with the Institute of Directors continues to grow
The Bille Supernova Girl was conducted as a pilot for our program for building the pipeline of the future. We identified through a rigorous testing process 16 children which we aim to support through their secondary and tertiary education. By providing STEM training at an early age, students are exposed to an industry filled with fantastic opportunities for future careers in the field.
We completed our study ahead of time and released it to the public. Please use it, share it, cite it, and help us expand on it.
WIEN has a strong peer-to-peer information and business intelligence WhatsApp group which many feel is the core of the association. It helps our members stay abreast of industry activities across the value chain. If you come across any article, paper, knowledge, and opportunity that you think a sister needs to see and benefit from, please share it and impact her life.
Finally, our website has been redone and I do hope you find the new one more impactful it’s all in our bid to improve our media engagement and promote the association and its members, and shortly we will continue with the Women in Energy” podcast. Through these channels, our ambition is that the role our members play in the energy industry towards national development will be highlighted to more than a million people.
I am proud of what we have started in WIEN and hope that we sustain it in 2023 and that we will be in a position to get together in Physical events throughout the year but most importantly in March to celebrate IWD.
We have a seat at the table, and a role to play in the energy industry, and we need to foster critical alliances with key stakeholders. We need to make it count and pull others up and in because together we will go far.
Our efforts and sacrifices in time and resources over such a difficult year do not go unnoticed, and I’d like to thank the WIEN leadership for never failing to come out when called and to our dear corporate members, founding Members, and all our Individual Members for your continued support.
Best wishes to you and your families in the New Year. Have a wonderful New Year celebration and I wish you all the very very best for the future.
I remain yours sincerely,
Funmi Ogbue
The President
Women in Energy Network